Sunday, June 25, 2006

Only Subcons can work as my B*tt Wipers

The incredulousness described in the previous post can be attributed to:

Another brilliant move in the saga of Emiratisation: Only Nationals can work as HR managers

Lets get this straight. I am not against emiratisation. Hell, I think Emiratisation is needed. Every government has a duty towards its citizens.

BUT.... I do not agree with the actions being taken.

Lets review it and the flaws in this policy begin to surface.

To quote the article "the emiratisation of human resource managers was prompted by foreign human resources managers' "preference to recruit their own nationals." "

Aaah. So there was some distinct racism on the part of the current HR managers. So that explains why locals are not getting jobs in the private sector. And all the while I thought it was because there is higher salary and holiday expectations among the locals. And at the risk of being politically incorrect (or - ballsy) I always thought it was due to a distinct lack of competence among the nationals. (More death threats I guess)

Allow me to explain. My job brings me into contact with students of the Local universities every so often. And what has always surprised me is the distinct lack of basic knowledge among even fourth year students (not all but a huge number).

I have even had the pleasure of interviewing a few nationals and I am sorry to say that as a majority they are woefully inadequate.

While Locals might rejoice about this announcement, it is to be noted that this is detrimental in the long run.

As a country, what you want is to have a competant workforce. But policies like this only serve to encourage laziness and an entitlement attitude.

What is so ironic about this policy is that it has been made to combat this "racism" by non-national managers. Now what we are gonna have is "reverse-racism" (to quote Chris Rock).

The saddest part of this story is once again the lower classes - the poor subcon secretaries (who are also now banned along with HR managers) who have been told to pretty much pack up and leave.

What is sad is that these very same expats have sweated for this country. The least they could get is a thank you.

I guess the only course of action is to have some jobs which are exclusively for them (this racism thing might work after all).

We are taking applications for the following (non-subcons need not apply)
  • Labourer - Benefits include: being outdoors, free accomodation, many friends and a chance to work for free for one of the booming cities in Dubai
  • Garbage Cleaner - Benefits include: Company Car, and all the food you can salvage
  • Housemaid - Benefits include: personal attention from the master of the house, practice at how not to raise a kid.
  • My B*tt Wiper - Benefits include: short working hours, free bed cum loo, and you get to keep any gold nuggets that you find.

Screw this crap...I'm outta here.....


Blogger Tainted Female said...

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8:22 AM  
Blogger Tainted Female said...

Outta here as in... leaving uae? or leaving the blogs?

I can see how both would make sense just now...

8:24 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...

outta here as in I am heading home and dont want to think about this crap cos it makes my head explode.... :-)

11:50 AM  
Blogger Taunted said...

Unfortunately blatent racism does exist here, all the butt licking in the world goes on only for people with the same caste being promoted, and even taken on in the first place.

3:35 AM  
Blogger black feline said...

just a few points:

1. This is THEIR country. They can set policies to put their citizens first...that's logical.

2. Competency can be trained.

3. I think it is a good least it will prevents exploitation by expat bosses...

4. Please...don't get panicky for's not as if they are goin to recruit camel riders as secretaries and HR Managers. Give UAE a little bit credit...there are decent and intelligent emiratis out there...with good qualifications from abroad as well.

We are afterall...guests here!

8:33 PM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...

Black Feline:

I agree with you on one point: This is their country (and even that is debatable - I believe expats have contributed more to this country than them and as such should be given citizenship).

Competency can be trained but at what cost?? - As a business owner I am not willing to risk a dip in profits just for the sake of some people. It is my money at stake not theirs.

So what is to stop exploitation and racism by the new HR managers?

I have dealt with a lot of nationals (professionals and college students) and it is sad to say that most are not competent. There are some competent ones but most aren't.

Come on. That stereotype about nationals in a work environment starts somewhere. A stereotype is not invented. It is born out of some truth.

Lets make this clear - We might be guests here, but this country needs expats more than the expats need them.

Every single policy and law in this country screams racism.

And finally:

The people here like to spout out that free market economy stuff all the time (they even use it to justify the crazy price hikes). Well then in that case how can you define who is hired if this is a free market. A business has the right to hire whoever they want. Not somebody defined by the govt.

All this law does is perpetuate laziness, a sense of entitlement and finally resentment and hatred from the expats.

What is sad are these low-salaried expats who are now going to be kicked out for now fault of theirs. They have worked hard and have contributed to this economy and are now being kicked out. If they are going to be screwed atleast give them a read-around

12:22 AM  
Blogger black feline said...

citizenship? sure...pls take your favorite taxi driver from Syria should be ahead of u by many moons...let say 20 can u wait? citizenship is a right not an get real and stop whinging.
sorry...the rest of your points stem from misguided not keen to rebutt.

3:18 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...

To be honest - I wouldn't take citizenship of this country.

But there are a lot of people who would and deserve it.

Citisenship becomes a right after you have contributed to a country for a certain period.

And I believe that you cannot rebutt not choose to not rebutt. (its a typical answer from a lotof people in the middle east. Just say that the other person's perception is wrong instead of arguing with some logic. Sounds exactly like those terror apologists.)

4:21 AM  
Blogger black feline said...

since when? enshrined on which stone? your shallow view of attaining citizenship is laughable! This alone couple with your dogmatic stand..are good reasons enuff to believe your arguments are really baloney!

6:46 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...

Ladies and Gentlemen....

Let me introduce you to the debating methods and reasoning of the apologists (i.e: brown nosers).... just accusations that non-conformist arguments are baloney but not an ounce of logic and reasoning being put forward.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...


BF: if my view of attaining citizenship is soo wrong then please explain to me what you think is the right approach. And please also let us inferior people know what is the reasoning behind the citizenship laws of most countries (this is in cases of granting citizenship to immmigrants).

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

expat parents who lived their whole adult lives, serving the country in the army,oil industry, health ministry, contributed distinctly to the setting up of vital elemnts in the fields I mentioned, yet these 2 poor souls reached retirment age, sick and old and had to pack and leave after 40 years, all of their children born in the UAE. They are not entitled to live with their children who can care for them and who are working in the UAE, they are not entitled to citizinship, so what is the only thing left to do, one or more of their children who are born in the UAE have to leave, seeing what has become of their parents, who cant even get retirment pension from their countries of origin. This is the value of the human being in the arab world, once you are worth nothing, you are dumped like a bare bone. Alas all is not lost, one of their children was able to obtain American citizinship while they studied and worked there, so now the parents move to the USA, they get government aid and health care. And here, my friends, we feel the value of citizinship, the value of government, and the value of humanity.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black Feline,
Yes, it is their country, yes they can do what they want, and yes if the expats dont like it they can leave, but the real world economy doesnt function that simply. Eventually as more and more of these enforcments are applied, the big fish expats from the west specifically, will pack and leave, the reason they came here in the first place is because of the competitive business envoirnemnt that was offered, when that goes away, and as rents rise and their staff is dictated to them, less of them will come in the first place and the ones that are here will leave, and then the surplus of expats will leave as less jobs are available, so at the end of the day you are actually limiting the number of comptetitve job opportunities to competent UAE nationals in big multi nationals for example. Is this a good thing for the UAE? I dont think so. For those who are looking for phantom government office jobs, it wont matter of course.

9:16 PM  
Blogger inmotion said...

The lot of you complain too much ..

1:31 PM  
Blogger Hot Lemon& Honey said...

"All this law does is perpetuate laziness, a sense of entitlement and finally resentment and hatred from the expats."
Interesting comment...

6:50 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...

Welcome back BK.

9:12 AM  

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