Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A muse to amuse

I have hit a rut.

Not just any rut, but a Burj Dubai sized one.

And this is professionally, emotionally, psychologically etc etc (and any other "lly" that you might want to add)

Ever since I have been back from my vacation (which was awesome and the first one in 3 years, i would like to add), I have just felt drained.

The glass ceiling has been reached and there is nowhere higher to go professionally (apparently, I am too young for a senior management position - damn old people).

And to add to this a charity initiative that I was trying to get off the ground (bumper stickers where all the money goes to our boys in blue) has been squashed by our ever so concerned authorities. And I might be in a bit of trouble about this as well. Oh well.

But most of all, certain people (whose names shall go unmentioned but be warned I have taken ot a fatwa on your head and have also got voo doo kewpie dolls ready just in case) and Dubai have joined forces to proverbially punch me in the gut.

Just when I thought Dubai can't get any more hypocritical, we have a slew of incidents that up the level of hypocrisy.

But anyway, I am in desperate need of inspiration and so I am taking applications for a muse:

UK/US Educated (screw it - who am i kidding - You gotta be white - whiter than the driven snow), a substance abuser (not like you will go to jail), willing to jump to my every whim (hey, any of the boys in blue would), and open to making nice friendship (the locals seem to have nice friends in certain clubs - so why can't I) and open to working for peanuts (which is 1 peanut more than the subcons get so be grateful).

Applications to the usual address (hate filled posts will be frowned upon).


Blogger inmotion said...

You don't need to be inspired.

You need to find the reason you like your life again.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...

he he he.

Nice one.

6:44 AM  
Blogger secretdubai said...

Oh bollox - I loved the bumper sticker idea. So sorry about that and hope you aren't in too much trouble.

12:35 PM  
Blogger black feline said...

well....learn to accept different views...for a things start from tea leaves tell me u have too much angst on that!

Do pop by for a cuppa...

9:29 PM  
Blogger inmotion said...


I want you to take a hard look at your life.

I want you to sit down and really ask yourself what is it you want right this minute.

When you can name 3 things that you want compare your life to those 3 things and ask yourself why am I not happy or why am I stuck?

The last time I felt that, It took me a couple months to get out of it but it just clicked one day. I can't control anything.

That was it for me.

Now just suck it up and take it like a man would ya

4:27 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...


Damn, this opened up a can of free advice from BK. I shall take it in good grace though cos we all know advice is a nothing but a form of nostalgia (I have stolen that quote).... :-) ... now lets just suck it up like BK sez... nope doesn't work...

BTW - I was just bitching ..... to bitch.

I am not in any trouble (thanks for asking). I had put it out as a feeler and the expected trouble has blown over (phew). But now I am going to repackage the idea and actually going to go back to them, and see if it can work in a slightyly different way (but achieves the same objective).

7:52 AM  
Blogger Taunted said...

Just wander around a mall with your blue tooth switched on, you'd be amazed what you find!!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...


Bluetooth has been a boon for a lot of the younger generation in the Middle East especially in Saudi.

It is crazy though how many people use it to try and pick up girls/guys

1:15 PM  
Blogger inmotion said...

Well yes EM

You asked for a muse

I kindly stepped in to save you the trouble of having to sift through all the bullshit applications when we clearly know I am the best at this.

Alas, my efforts are unrewarded.

So typical of a man.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Taunted said...

I was (as usual) taking the piss you know!

1:35 PM  
Blogger Earthbound Misfit said...


Thanks, for coming to the rescue but obviously you seem to suffer from a terminal case of over-confidence.

On a separate note, this anti-man crap has got to end, you jezebel. I don't want to have to step in and regulate on you.

12:42 AM  
Blogger inmotion said...

Whose anti-man?

Me? Not at all.

7:00 AM  
Blogger Taunted said...

Dunno about being a muse - but I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse!

9:53 AM  
Blogger inmotion said...

proposition away!

12:58 AM  
Blogger Taunted said...

It's the horses head I'm worried about - will a goat do - after all it is Dubai!!

(And I'm in Heathrow)

8:12 AM  
Blogger inmotion said...

be brave .. be very brave

10:43 PM  
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2:21 PM  

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